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An old short story of mine, "Security," has reached the quarterfinalist level in ScreenCraft's Cinematic Short Story Competition. I had a little success with this contest last year with my stories "Bell" and "Real-Life Experiences," so I decided to give it another try. The contest is designed to find prose stories with cinematic adaptation potential. "Security," originally published in Barrelhouse and nominated for a Pushcart Prize, is the story of an anxious security guard who's well aware that if this were a spy movie, he'd be an expendable character who has five seconds of screen time before being killed by the super-agent.

My short story "Diedrick Doge" has been published in Story, a literary magazine I've had my sights on for a long time. The story was a finalist for the Story Foundation Prize, and it's about a packing plant worker who, faced with an imminent plant closing and a family to support, decides to try becoming a car salesman. "Diedrick Dodge" appears in Issue #11 of Story, which you can buy here.

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