Notable & Recent
Lazarus Man
Stereo Stories, May 2024
Creative nonfiction about Terry Callier's song "Lazarus Man," published in Stereo Stories, May 2024.
But now I was almost nine years at the plant, and that novel was in a box in the closet, kept company by two others I’d gone on to write. The plant had become quicksand. I’d begun to understand how it could be easier to let it pull me under rather than waste energy thrashing about to try and escape. Just the same, I was trying.
Infinite Flow / Gathering
Does It Have Pockets, December 2023
***Gathering nominated for Best Microfiction 2024.***
Prose poem & microfiction, published in Does It Have Pockets, December 2023.
Autumn gave Summer a dance, the two of them spinning breezy through the leaves.
There is no shelter here.
Diedrick Dodge
Story, Issue 11, Summer 2021
Short story, published in Story, September 2021.
***Story Foundation Prize Finalist.***
Miles finds himself one morning in a car dealership conference room presided over by a stocky, severe-eyed, sharp-dressed sales trainer who pours a voice of molten contempt over him and his fellow applicants as they quiver like terrified schoolkids. Among the first lessons Miles learns is that customs outside the plant are simply different.
A Travelogue for the Wasteland (excerpt)
Novel Slices, Issue One
Excerpt of unpublished novel, published in Novel Slices, November 2020
**Winner in Novel Slices' 2020 Novel Excerpt Contest.**
***Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.***
As the day wore on, the mood spiraled sickeningly from expectancy to desperation, and it would eventually give way to devastation, but before it got to that point they took their praise and worship outside. They sang in what increasingly sounded like despondency and anguish, they stretched their arms to the sky, some of them leapt in place as if trying to spring-load themselves or get a head start. As early evening loomed, the crowd began to thin. Every now and then, from the distance, a car engine would interrupt and people would suddenly pray louder as if to drown it out.
Stories That Need to Be Told, 2018
Short story, published in Stories That Need to Be Told, 2018.
**Honorable Mention for Tulip Tree Publishing's 2018 Stories That Need to Be Told Contest.**
His audience at the boat launch went quiet. They tried to see through the car’s dirty windows and gauge Schwartz’s mood, see if they could predict at least the next five minutes of future. Only Yeager expected Schwartz to even put his toes in the water. The others were sure there would be some kind of rule-breach hoopla, Schwartz would drop some new twist in their laps and they’d fight him on it and he’d accuse them of trying to change the rules and then storm off. They’d discussed the possibilities, waiting for his arrival. "He’s already got an excuse,” Perkins said. “Watch.”
Chautauqua, 2018: Wild & Tame
Short story, published in Chautauqua, July 2018
**Winner of the 2018 Chautauqua Editors Prize.**
Violence kept finding him. He was drawn somehow to it, or it was drawn to him. The weapons he carried. The jobs he undertook with the knowledge that he might have to use violence to fight violence, and therefore violence would look for him.
Notes from Lazarus
The Bellingham Review, Issue 72
Short story, published in The Bellingham Review, 2016.
**Winner of the 2015 Tobias Wolff Award for Fiction.**
***Nominated for a Pushcart Prize.***
Brooks ordered us another round. He reached back and took an envelope out of his jacket. Nicotine-yellow fingers opened the flap with reverence, carefully pulled out two photographs: attractive middle-aged woman, long black hair tinged with silver, graceful lines around a sensuous smile, bright green eyes. I'd never met her. Brooks seemed poised to say something, but then he shook his head, and we just looked at the photos together. Then he made a sound with his throat. "Once you care deeply for someone, it never stops," he said. "Never."
Full List
Nominated for Best Microfiction 2024, December 2023
Lost Time Incidents
Finalist for Willow Springs Books' Spokane Prize for Short Fiction, January 2024
Finalist for the University of New Orleans Publishing Lab Prize, October 2022
Security (short story)
Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft's Cinematic Short Story Competition, January 2022
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Barrelhouse, December 2008
A Travelogue for the Wasteland
Finalist for the University of New Orleans Publishing Lab Prize, November 2021
Prologue longlisted for the First Pages Prize, May 2021
Excerpt nominated for a Pushcart Prize by Novel Slices, December 2020
Excerpt, winner in Novel Slices' Novel Excerpt Contest, October 2020
Finalist for the Longleaf Press Novel Contest, April 2016
Diedrick Dodge
Finalist for the Story Foundation Prize, March 2021
Semifinalist in ScreenCraft's Cinematic Short Story Competition, January 2021
Winner of Chautauqua's Editors Prize, January 2018
Real-Life Experiences
Quarterfinalist in ScreenCraft's Cinematic Short Story Competition, January 2021
Yeager's Bump Cap
Longlisted for Sunspot's Culmination Contest, January 2021
The Mad Scientist's Husband
Finalist for Sunspot Literary Journal's Inception Contest for Best Opening (the first 250 words), November 2019
Security (short story collection)
Semi-finalist for Black Lawrence Press's St. Lawrence Book Award, November 2018
The Stolen Father
Semi-Finalist for the Petrichor Reprint Award, November 2018
Honorable Mention in TulipTree Publishing's Stories That Need to Be Told Contest, October 2018
Notes from Lazarus
Nominated for a Pushcart Prize by The Bellingham Review, March 2017
Received The Bellingham Review's Tobias Wolff Award for Short Fiction, May 2015
Finalist for North Carolina State University's Brenda L. Smart Fiction Prize, November 2007
Six to Twelve
Honorable Mention in december's Curtis Johnson Prose Award in Fiction, August 2016
2nd Place for the University of Wisconsin's Therese Muller Memorial Fiction Award, May 1997
The End-of-the-World Weekend
- Finalist for Oregon State University's Provost's Literary Prize, April 2005
- Honorable Mention in the Masters Literary Awards, December 1996
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Canon
Winner of Oregon State University's Schwartz Essay Contest, May 2004
Trail Maintenance
Finalist for Oregon State University's Provost's Literary Prize, March 2004
The Couch
Honorable Mention in Lines in the Sand's Short Fiction Contest, December 1993
These Words
1st Place in Juvenile Fiction in the Madison Area Writers' Association Contest, 1991
Cliff Climbers
1st Place in Script in the Madison Area Writers' Association Contest, 1991
The View from This End
1st Place in Short Story in the Madison Area Writers' Association Contest, 1990
Stereo Stories, May 2024
Does It Have Pockets, December 2023
Story, September 2021
The Westchester Review, June 2021
A Travelogue for the Wasteland (excerpt)
Novel Slices, November 2020
The Mad Scientist's Husband (excerpt)
Sunspot Literary Journal, December 2019 (Vol. 1, No. 5)
Stories That Need to Be Told 2018, November 2018
The Tishman Review, July 2018
Chautauqua, July 2018
South 85 Journal, December 2017
december, November 2016
The Bellingham Review, April 2016
When We Was Fab by George Harrison
Stereo Stories, July 2015
Stereo Stories, March 2015
Three Foggy Mornings and One Rainy Day
Santa Fe Literary Review, August 2014
The Newer York, September 2012
The Weight
Midway Journal, November 2008
Security (short story)
Barrelhouse, August 2008
Best American Fantasy anthology, August 2007 (Flyleaf Books; Bookshop.org; Amazon)
Redivider, December 2006
When Students Write from Sources
Teaching with Writing, April 2007
If You Will Dance with Me
Prism, May 2004
Kant Will Have to Understand
Prism, January 2004
Fugue, August 2001
The Alligator at Crane Point
The Advocate, June 1996
The Couch
Lines in the Sand, January 1994
The Act
Fiction Forum, February 1993
We Don't Have Much Time
For Poets Only, June 1990
How I Wish You Were Here
The Blade, April 1989