Latest Publication:
"Lazarus Man"
Stereo Stories is an Australia-based website dedicated to stories about "A Song. A Place. A Time." The site hosts an amazing collection of stories, mostly in the vein of memoir, and getting lost in those stories and songs is time I consider well spent. Music has always been a huge part of my life (and essential fuel for my writing), and it's exhilarating to see how it weaves its way through other lives as well.
I've previously had two stories published by Stereo Stories, the first about a song called "Just One Thing," by Randy Adams, and the second about George Harrison's "When We Was Fab." I now have a new story up at the site, this one born roughly 26 years ago when I was driving to work at night and the radio played a song called "Lazarus Man," by Terry Callier. You can read the story at the link below.

But now I was almost nine years at the plant, and that novel was in a box in the closet, kept company by two others I’d gone on to write. The plant had become quicksand. I’d begun to understand how it could be easier to let it pull me under rather than waste energy thrashing about to try and escape. Just the same, I was trying.
--from "Lazarus Man"